Targeted Training
Often a perceived need for training evokes action to get it accomplished. This is especially true for those circumstances where it is deemed desirable to get CEU points for professional purposes. However, training for training’s sake doesn’t always fulfill a strategic need.
Targeted Training is about focused training that addresses advancement of the strategic plan. This is NOT about fulfilling those basic training needs such as administrative or on-the-job training.
Here’s one example. Let’s assume that strategically it has been determined that there is a severe cultural difference that has grown over time to separate the sales area and the manufacturing area. In order for the company to grow, it must continue to innovate and create new applications for the products of the company. The Business Development and Sales end of the organization is well aware of this and continues to sell products that require customization. Manufacturing wants to be more effective and efficient and resists any effort to customize because standardization means increases in productivity and customizing means slow-downs and mistakes. In other words, “silos” have been created that impede progress. Targeted training would be directed at bringing those two areas into alignment and creating an awareness of what the company is doing strategically. This could include the two groups helping to determine the core values needed to establish the right culture and preceding that might be targeted team training.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: (Tools, analysis, recommendations, consulting, coaching, facilitation and training are all available and provided by The Balzer Companies as an integral part of Strategic Business Development)
1st : Complete the strategic and business tactical planning.
2nd : Utilizing the various assessment tools and available coaching and consulting feedback, determine what targeted training would be the most effective to accomplish your goals.
3rd : Select the best resources to complete the right training. (Balzer has extensive and trusted referral sources if needed to supplement the training effort.)